Iron Craft 2016

First a note about Iron Craft 2015. We’ve decided to end this year on challenge #25 since we are smack dab in the middle of the holidays and the challenge would go into next year. So, who did all twenty-five challenges? I think I did.
Now on to 2016! We will be back for a sixth year of the Iron Craft Challenge on Wednesday, January 6th and hope you will all join us. Here is how it works.

  • Every other Wednesday we announce a new Iron Craft challenge. The challenge maybe based around a theme, a technique or a material. We try to make the themes broad enough to encompass different craft techniques.
  • You then have thirteen days to create a project based on that challenge.
  • You don’t need to do every challenge, we realize people have lives, but trying to do as many as you can is part of the fun.
  • On reveal day, the Tuesday two weeks from the challenge announcement, everyone shares their projects in the Iron Craft group on Flickr.
  • Commenting on each others pictures is not required, but it does make it more fun.
  • We share all the finished projects in a round-up on Just Crafty Enough.

Are there Any rules?

  • The first rule is to be nice in comments on Flickr and the site. This is a challenge against yourself not each other.
  • Each project challenge should be a new project done in the two week time limit, no showing off old projects. (Unless of course, the challenge calls for that.)

That’s it. Hope to see lots of old friends and some new crafters in 2016.

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© 2005 – 2015 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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