Iron Craft ’15 Challenge #2 Love is in the Air

It’s that time of year, when everything is love, love, love. We think that should be year round, but we’ll cave in and ask you to make something for someone you love for this challenge. This could be your partner, a friend, a child, a parent, anyone you love. (Even yourself!) Of course, it could be related to Valentines Day, but it does not have to be that literal.

Here are some ideas to get you inspired…

#195 - The minions are always mixing something up in the lab

If you want to dip into something truly Valentine’s theme, here are a bunch of ideas

Here is a basic bookmark
Heart Bookmark

So if it’s for your sweetie, or your pet, or your friend, take it any direction you want. Reveal day is Tuesday, February 3rd. Please only share in progress photos before that date. Tag photos with IC15012 and IronCraft.

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© 2005 – 2015 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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