2014 My Year of Mittens

At the beginning of this year I set a goal for myself to design and knit a pair of mittens each month. I’m pretty proud that I managed to pull it off (heck, I even did an extra pair of kid’s mittens in December). I’ve certainly learned a lot about mitten constructions and designing colorwork. Just because the year is up doesn’t mean I’ll stop knitting mittens, they are big enough to do lots to, but small enough that you get quick satisfaction of finishing.
January Mittens – A thick mittens with a classic snowflake motif
February Lady Mittens – A fancy lace mitten for fancy nights out
Newgrange Mittens – A pattern inspired by the carvings at Newgrange in Ireland. (Sadly these lost at the MN State Fair this year.)
April Showers Mittens – A bright yellow umbrella is open under beaded raindrops.
May Flowers Mittens – Pop-art mittens inspired by Andy Warhol’s Flowers
Delft Mittens – Mittens with inspired by Delft pottery and knit in yarn I bought in Amsterdam.
Sunset Stripes Mittens – Two strands of yarn knit together allow for the graduated color changes.
Dog Days Mittens – A fun mitten for those cold dog walks.
Falling Leaves Mittens – Varigated yarn in fall colors makes the color changes in these mittens easy.
Winchester Plaid, Anti-Possession Mittens – Protect your hands from the cold and the rest of you from demonic possession. The boys on Supernatural inspired these.
Orla Mittens – Modern colorwork mittens inspired by the designs of Orla Kiely.
Mommy and Me Frozen Mittens – Mittens inspired by the movie Frozen in both adult and child’s size.

Thanks to everyone for all the encouragement and nice words through this project. And special thanks to everyone who took a chance and knit one of my patterns up!

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© 2005 – 2014 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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