Knit Scalloped Tree – A Bigger Version

A couple Fridays ago I shared with you my pattern to make a knit scalloped tree ornament. I mentioned that it could also be done on a bigger scale as a tabletop ornament. Since then, I have knit up a bigger one that I wanted to show you.
Large Knit Scalloped Tree
This time I knit up the pattern with sport weight yarn (Vanna’s Glamour in Diamond) on size 3 needles. My scallops were about 1/5″ each. I used a 7″ tree form and it took 82 scallops to cover it. Here are the two trees side by side with the same deer next to them.
Large Knit Scalloped Tree Advent Calendar Project '14 - Week 12
My husband felt the bigger tree looked a little flat on top, so I added a simple star made with glittered cardstock. I do really like the tree in the sparkly white, it looks snow covered.

One other note: The yarn I used this time was 100% acrylic and couldn’t be blocked, so I was surprised at how nice the scalloped stayed flat once on the tree.

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© 2005 – 2014 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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