Getting Ready for the Fair

It’s creeping up on State Fair time here in Minnesota. Once again I will be entering a pair of mittens in the colorwork mitten category. The difference is this year I am not knitting like crazy up until the last minute. Knitting a pair of mittens every month this year has given me a selection of completed mittens to chose from. I am going with my Newgrange Mittens.
3/3 March Mittens
I think the design is elaborate enough, the gauge is small enough and the quality of the knitting is good enough to make these a contender.

You might remember two years ago I took second place with my Flying Pig Mittens. I was really proud of these, but knew there were a few mistakes, so I was happy to take second.
Flying Pig Mittens
Then last year I entered my Retro Goldy Gopher Mittens. I thought I had a good chance with the Minnesota theme, but didn’t get any ribbons. The judges said it was because the thumb was too small and really they were right.
Road to the State Fair '13

I do enjoy entering something in the Fair. It is not like there is much of a prize, I think first place gets $8, but it is fun to feel a part of it and I get such a kick seeing my mittens on display there. Have you or are you planning on entering anything in a state or county fair? How have you done? Wish me luck!

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