Project: Knit Celebration Crown

Here is a quick knit. It’s a sweet gift. It’s hearty enough for kid’s use and just sparkly enough for a grown up. This little crown is just as fun as it looks.

Knit Celebration Crown

Download a pdf of the Knit Celebration Crown Pattern

Yarn: Fine or Sock weight yarn

pompom feature

I wrote about Lion Brand Bonbons yarn. This was done with the Celebration pack which has sparkle mixed in. (I have had these little balls of inspiration for a while now.) 38 yards per ball. Note: this will take more than one ball for the smallest size, so if you want to do a single color crown, you will need to buy two bags.


  • 2.5mm needles (between a US 1 and 2) or size needed to get gauge. Don’t be daunted by the small needle. This is a quick knit.
  • tapestry needle

Gauge: 6 stitches and 11 rows (slightly stretched) in 1 inch.

Required Skills:

  • knitting
  • basic increases and decreases
  • seaming


  • S1 = slip 1 purlwise
  • K = knit
  • Kfb = Knit into front and back of the same stitch increasing one stitch
  • Skpsso – Slip 1, knit 1, pass the slipped stitch over
  • (xx) = the number of stitches on the needle at the end of the row

The anatomy of the crown: The points will be called “the top edge” and the bottom, the side that rests closest to the eyes, will be called “the bottom edge”.

This project is knit flat and then sewn into a circle at the end. Directions are given in rows.

Pattern :

Cast on 10 stitches.
Row 1: slip 1, knit 9 (always slip the first stitch on the bottom edge of the crown to give the base a smooth look)
Row 2: kfb, k9 (11)
Row 3: s1, k10
Row 4: kfb, k10 (12)
Row 5: s1, k11
Row 6: kfb, k11 (13)
Row 7: s1, k12
Row 8: kfb, k12 (14)
Row 9: s1, k13
Row 10: kfb, k13 (15)
Row 11: s1, k14
(This is the apex of a point. 15 stitches on the needle)

Row 12: skpsso, k13
Row 13: s1, k13
Row 14: skpsso, k12
Row 15: s1, k12
Row 16: skpsso, k11
Row 17: s1, k11
Row 18: skpsso, k10
Row 19: s1, k10
Row 20: skpsso, k9
Row 21: s1, k9 (10)
(This is the base of a point.)

These 21 rows make up one point. Once you do one point, you will essentially have your gauge swatch and you will know how many points you need to do for the head you are trying to fit. Repeat the last 21 rows until you have enough points to fit around the head.

The crown shown is “kid” size. Small.
Small: 18″ 10 knit points. (10 repeats of the 21 rows)
Medium: 11 repeats of the 21 rows. 11 points approximately 20″
Large: 12 repeats of 21 rows. 12 points, approximately 22″

When you have completed your final point, cast off and leave a 12″ tail.
Seam the 10 stitches (being careful to lay the crown flat and not let the fabric form a mobius.)
And enjoy your royal status.

copyright 2013 Susan Cornish
Do not duplicate for distribution, repost, sell or teach this pattern without permission.
You may repost a picture from it with a link to this post.

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© 2005 – 2013 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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