Project: Road Trip Journal

Matt and I are headed out on quite a road trip this spring, we’ll be spending two weeks driving around Ireland. A trip like this takes a bit of planning. We have lots of maps and guidebooks. We’ve spent time reading blogs and websites. It is a lot of information in different places. Matt suggested what we needed was one notebook with all the basic information complied for each day in it. So, I created our Road Trip Journal for a dollar store notebook.
Road Trip Journal

Road Trip Journal

This is a really customizable project with whatever you have on hand, but here is how I set mine up.

  • spiral notebook
  • tabs
  • glue
  • maps
  • construction paper
  • scissors
  • pens

I divided the journal using post it tabs into each day of the trip.
Road Trip Journal
On the front page of each day I glues a small map of the area we would be traveling. This is not a detailed map, just an overview I printed online. We’ll have our GPS for more detailed instructions. I also included our B&B or hotel confirmation number and phone number on the page as well as any other reservations such as restaurants or tours.
Road Trip Journal
On the second page of the day, I put a list of things we would like to vist along the drive and in the destination city. I’ve added details like opening hours or what is at a particular site or store. We’ll have our guide books for more details, but this will give us a quick overview of what we wanted to do that day.
Road Trip Journal Road Trip Journal
Then I left a blank page for us to add notes of things we want to remember from that day.
Road Trip Journal
On the back inside cover of the journal I added a pocket to keep things like ticket stubs or other paper momentos.

This would be a great project to do with your kids to get them involved in planning a trip. Let them create their own journal of your summer vacation. Leave a few more pages blank in each day’s section for them to draw pictures of what they see along the way.

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© 2005 – 2013 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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