Iron Craft ’13 Challenge #2 – Orange You Glad…

Some of you may know I am a bit of a nederlandophile (someone who loves Dutch things). So, I was excited when we had three Dutch bloggers, Kreatieve, Creatif and Utopia, decide to join us in Iron Craft this year. It is in their honor that I present challenge #2 – Orange (or Oranje). Orange is the color of the Dutch Royal Family. The lineage of the current dynasty — the House of Oranje-Nassau — dates back to Willem van Oranje (William of Orange). But while the color orange has royal roots in the Netherlands, today it symbolizes a broader pride in the country and in being Dutch.

We had done a lot of color challenges through the two years of Iron Craft, but we’ve never done the color Orange. So, make something that uses the color orange OR actually uses oranges. It’s such a warm, happy color and I can’t wait to see what you all do with it.

Here’s some ideas to get you thinking….

(click on the images for more information)

Iron Craft Challenge 1 - Paper Cut Map


I can hear some of you now, “But I don’t like the orange!” Remember Iron Craft is supposed to be a challenge. Think about how you can make this challenge work for you or as a gift for someone else.

Reveal day is Tuesday, January 29th. Please on in-progress photos before that date. Tag photos with IC132 and IronCraft.

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© 2005 – 2013 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
12 years ago by in Challenges , Iron Craft | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
18 Comments to Iron Craft ’13 Challenge #2 – Orange You Glad…
    • CynD
    • I love Love orange…. orange and pink are about my favorite combos too.. so be looking for that… so I think. I still have to post this weeks challenge.. my challenge is to learn how to post stuff…. yeiks.

    • Izzy
    • Phew. I just managed to get Flikr to work for me, and now I am faced with a colour that I don’t even possess. I shall have to brainstorm hard about this one. Perhaps dig out some orange paint?…

    • Kat
    • I’ve got to figure out what exactly I’m going to do as my project this weekend. I had an idea, but now I’m not so sure how to make it work…

  1. Pingback: Crafty Diyer Thinking about joining Iron Craft ’13? | Crafty Diyer

    • Jennifer
    • I know exactly what to make, but I’m on a buy nothing fabric diet until half of what I have is used up – unless the fabric I need comes up on major sale. so will wait on this one and maybe think of a different orange thing – have to do this one since I’m a dutch Canadian:) although I don’t speak the language

  2. Pingback: Something Orange | Falafel and the Bee

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