Iron Craft Challenge #25 – Holiday Centerpiece

For this Iron Craft challenge we were asked to make something with light. To me this is a perfect challenge for this time of year because I associate the holidays with lots of sparkling lights and candles.

My project was really quite simple, a centerpiece for my holiday table.
I decorated my house this year in natural elements like pinecones and acorns accented with white and silver. This centerpiece goes along with that theme.

This could not have been simpler to make. I picked up the square silver tray at World Market put three white pillars in it and then just pilled pinecones and acorns around them.
I love the pillars I found on cleareance at Target. They have a little bit of tree bark texture to them without being faux painted or covered with a paper. I found the pinecones in various places throughout the year and bought the acorns online (It was really hard to find acorns for sale.) I had originally planned to glitz this up a bit more by painting some of the acorns and adding glitter to them and the pinecones, but in the end I realy preferred how it the natural coloring loooked against the silver tray.

All and all a five minute project, but I think it will look stunning with a brown tablecloth and my white dishes. Later this week I’ll show you the napkin rings I made to match.

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© 2005 – 2012 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
12 years ago by in Challenges , Christmas , Craft Projects , Crafts , Holiday , Iron Craft , Projects | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
3 Comments to Iron Craft Challenge #25 – Holiday Centerpiece
    • cynD
    • nice I have lots of both I live in the woods I usually leave the acorns for the squirls and the pincones for the birds to pick out the pine nuts.. I now can use them differently nxt year.

  1. Pingback: 17 Creative DIY Pine cone Decorations For The Upcoming Holidays - Style Motivation

  2. Pingback: 17 Artistic DIY Pine cone Decorations For The Upcoming Holidays |

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