Preschool Project: Handmade Holiday Cards

Time for another Preschool Project. And as the season dictates, we made holiday cards. The idea was to make large size greeting cards for the teachers’ holiday well wishes.


  • poster size card stock or colored paper
  • glitter glue or gel glue and glitter
  • large sequins in assorted shapes (for extra fun)
  • extra paper to line the inside of the card
  • scraps of brown craft paper
  • one cotton ball

For the tree card, there are two different tree silhouettes that we tried. One was more of an O’Tannebaum type tree. The traditional shape and then some garland strands to fill in the center parts .
The other tree was very symbolic. It is a stick figure tree drawn with straight lines.
I sketched the tree outline VERY lightly in pencil onto the cards, and then used a big line of glitter glue to draw the basic shape onto the card.
The kids all worked on the bigger cards, and then, for those who wanted a little extra, I made regular greeting card sizes.

Once the glitter glue is on the card, then it is time to decorate. I had a little sample card that I had done. The kids each got a tray of the assorted sequins, and they started picking out what they wanted. (Remind the kids that the glue is wet. They forget, grab the card and are upset when it gets smudged.)

One of the artists worked the WHOLE time on this project.
I will let you catch your breath for a minute. You might have to adjust your screen, because her smile is so bright.

The top of this tree just makes me chuckle. It was so hard to pick the most perfect ornament for the top, that all of the prize ones are jockeying for position.
Here are the final cards…
Stick Tree Style

Traditional Tree Style

For a teacher that is Muslim, we made this lovely winter scene.

The mountains are made from torn craft paper that are layered

Then, I spread glue on the tops of the mountains. And I helped the kiddies pull the cotton balls apart, and make “snow”  land on top of the mountains.
All in all, this project was a wild success. The kids had a great time, and the cards came out well.

Happy Holiday Preparations to you ALL.

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© 2005 – 2012 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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