Crafty Resolutions for a New Year

It’s that time of year again when everyone starts coming up with their list of resolutions. We thought we’d share our crafting ones with you.
#366 - Cheers!
1. Clean and organize my craft room. (It is really embarrassing at this point. I need to take everything out, get new cabinets and start over)
2. Finish the Lego Quilt I started for Matt two years ago.
3. Make more items of clothing for myself that I actually wear.
4. Finish the Owl Blanket for Jenny’s at Bird in the Hands little girl. (she is due next month!)
5. Finish the Granny Square Sampler Afghan that is lingering in a bag. (I seem to have a finishing problem)
6. Learn to really use my SLR camera. I know this doesn’t seem like a crafty resolution, but photography is an art too. Also it’ll make a difference in my craft photos.
7. Learn how to use crochet beyond the granny square.
8. Win a blue ribbon at the Minnesota State Fair. (ok, I can’t really make this happen, but I can make the best submission possible)

1. I want to quilt. 3 quilts I am really proud of. I would like to pick from several techniques I have seen that I really like, including:

  •     work with sheers
  •     work with jelly roll
  •     work with reverse applique
  •     Work with embroidery on the top

2. I want to crochet better– following a pattern. And writing a patterns for what I create. It’s as though I can play the piano, but I don’t read music. And for how much formal knowledge I have about knitting, my formal training in crochet is sorely lacking.

3. I want to do more “art” things. I want to make “pictures” that I can hang on the wall. I would like one to be done with my daughter. And I would like at least one collage.

4. I want to sew one piece of clothing that I am happy with and wear all the time.

5. Learn how to use the serger. For real. Or at least better.

6. Shall I say “clear my space”? Why does that send shivers down me? It seems like if I spent a year on that – it still would not be done a year from now. And I am not sure how I will share the before pictures. Because that might be the preview for our episode of Hoarder’s Buried Alive.

What about you, do you have any crafty resolutions for 2013?

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© 2005 – 2012 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
12 years ago by in Holiday | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
7 Comments to Crafty Resolutions for a New Year
    • CynD
    • My New Years resolutions need to be “resolute” I too have several of the same.
      **My Craft space… we call my “spote” it is a do all place. craft, computer and office spot…needs to be clean to the walls. It is… well – deep need- of a deep clean and create a space that I enjoy more. Paint and shelves I have better used, storage groupings and not so scattered, things placed and not just tossed there. I lighting must get better lighting!
      **Sew more… not just mend.
      **Finish some needle point,several years in the making.
      **knit more than just scarves and socks.
      **Make some more ART as well.. I have so much available to me.
      **Make a jewelry Christmas tree. I like have seen.
      **Send out 2-3 cards to people per week. (I have done this before I can so do it again)
      **Get photos in order so as to get the 4 scrapbooks done for my kids.. they are ages 19, 21 and 23 and 26th year anniversary for the hubbs and me. This is my dream list I must print it out so I have it in front of me to help with the drive to carry on. We can do the things we want we must JUST MUST Carry On! We can do this my Darlin’ crafters we can do this.

    • Jenny K
    • I have a few of the same resolutions and more:
      -Clean up the craft area ( more like find it again)
      -Be more consistent in Iron Craft
      -Use up my stash
      -Finish my granny square sampler
      -Get “Things” to join me once in a while

    • Kim D
    • I can definately see a trend here

      1. Clean up my craft room
      2. Finish and POST Iron Craft challanges
      3. Learn to knit
      4. Sew living room and bathroom curtains
      5. Finish up LOTS of things–hexagon afgan, granny sampler, christmas napkins, birthday placemats, etc.
      6. This may not be entirely crafty, but I want to comment more on the blogs I read.

    • NameCindy
    • I got a head start on the craft room…I cleaned it up so that I could have a fresh start for a fresh year. **woot**
      But this year, I’ve resolved to do more crafting for pleasure, rather than just work under pressure making things to sell. I learned from experience – Getting bogged down with Christmas orders makes you feel like a Grinch.
      More painting. More quilting.
      Design more of my own sweater patterns and charge a more realistic price. (I was selling them really cheap!)
      And take time to read more books…

    • K.D.
    • I just moved into a new house so number one would be create a crafting space.

      2. Finish the crosstitch I have been working on and putting down for over a year!
      3. Learn to quilt
      4. Participate in Iron Crafters Challenges
      5. Have fun!

    • Name PJ
    • I do this every December – crash time so everybody grab something and throw it in my craft room! Every year! Then I’m left with a gigantic mess I have to wade through if I have half a prayer of completing anything crafty! Then while I’m organizing I find another half a hundred projects I get interested in, and my craft-ADD totally takes over! It’s a never ending cycle! I did get 90% of my planned projects done for Christmas gifts though, so I’m going to ride on that for awhile! I usually knit for me after the holidays, but my gift this year is to organize/purge my craft room and rededicate it. It’s not a junk room and I’m not going to treat it like that anymore. Woot woot!

    • Seanna Lea
    • I have only one resolution. I’m moving later this year, and so my resolution is to work from stash. Just stash. I have a couple of gift cards/raffle prizes that I will acquire but everything else is stash. I have enough fabric, yarn, clay and beads to keep me going for at least a year, and probably more like 10.

      Oh, and I’d love to make a quilt. I have my eyes on one technique, but I think that would involve buying fabric. Maybe with the gift card, so I don’t have to feel guilty.

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