Halloween 2012: Word Girl

In our early discussions of costumes, Jambi said “I want to be a super hero.” I jumped on that and said “What about Word Girl”, which rendered her momentarily speechless with anticipation. Then she screamed “YES!”.

Word Girl was born on the planet Lexicon and works to solve mysteries. She has an unusually large vocabulary. Sadly, not a lot of people are familiar with Word Girl. And that is something that we are working to correct.
This costume is a victory on every single level.
1. My kid wanted to be a super hero!
2. The costume is DONE. IN TIME!!
3. I used my serger to make this!
4. She WORE the costume – on her body – more than once!
5. She loves it
6. It has sleeves! (I made sleeves and she is wearing sleeves)
7. I did this without a pattern

This is all in stark contrast to last year, when I made a costume, and I learned a lot of lessons.
Here we are, with our friend Alexa. She is wearing her knit cupcake outfit!

I am going to go now and brush my teeth. I have cuteness overload.

Happy Halloween! May you have a wonderful night filled with your favorite candy!

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© 2005 – 2012 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
12 years ago by in Crafty Mom , Halloween , Holiday , Needlecraft , Sewing | You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
5 Comments to Halloween 2012: Word Girl
    • Manisha
    • You did an awesome job on the costume! I went back and read the post about last year’s costume. My little one has started saying “it’s too big” for anything and everything she doesn’t want to wear, especially those items that are too small. It’s so funny how a toddler’s mind works!

      • Susi
      • Manisha, Thank you, and Oh My. At least she HAS an opinion! Good little Lotus! Fleece. And rewards. This is how we have made it through. Good luck!

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