Iron Craft Challenge #47 – For the Table

Next Thursday is Thanksgiving here in the States and for most of us it is a holiday centered around the dining room table. We are taking that for our theme for this week and asking you to make something for the table. It does not have to be a Thanksgiving themed item, just something you would use at your dining room or kitchen table.

Here’s a few ideas to get you started….

Better Homes and Gardens has instructions for these great acorn napkin rings.

These clothespin place cards from Centsational Girl are clever and so simple.

Or perhaps you want to craft something special to serve like these mini pumpkin cheese balls from Kitchen Simplicity.

Posting date is Wednesday, Nov 23rd. Only in progress photos should be posted before that date. Please tag photos with IC47 and IronCraft.

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© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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