Free Pattern – Hot Geek Coffee Sleeve

Our local coffee shop has recently started selling reusable coffee sleeves as a way to get people to stop using the cardboard throw away ones. After seeing that they charge about $5.00 a piece for them I figured I could easily whip some up from scrap yarn. There was a lot of interest in this one I made for Matt so I thought I’d share the pattern.
8 - Hot Geek Coffee Sleeve
The design on this sleeve is binary code & spells out “hot” across each line. Its great for computer geeks (like Matt) & always a bit of a conversation starter when we pull it out at the coffee shop.

Hot Geek Coffee Sleeve

Four size 4 double pointed needles (or size needed to get gauge)
2 colors of scrap worsted weight yarn (I used Paton’s Classic Wool)

Gauge: 8 stitches per inch

Click on the chart to open it larger & then save it to your computer.

With background color cast on 74 stitches. Divide the stitches between evenly between three needles. Join together being careful not to twist, placing a maker between the last & first stitch. to mark rows.

Work 6 rows in p1k1 ribbing.

Work the binary code chart twice. Make sure to wrap yarns when changing colors to prevent holes.

Work 6 rows in p1k1 ribbing.

Bind off

Copyright 2010 Kathy Lewinski.
Please do not sell my pattern, claim it as your own or teach it in a store without contacting me. You may link to it from your blog or site.

If you are not reading this post in a feed reader or at then the site you are reading is illegally publishing copyrighted material. Contact us at justcraftyenough AT yahoo DOT COM. All patterns, text and photographs in this post are the original creations & property of the author unless otherwise noted.© 2005 – 2011 Kathy Lewinski & Susan Cornish
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