
  • Bag of the Month – Knit Evening Bag

    I don’t know why, but I really had a desire to try making an evening bag using a purse frame. Maybe it’s because I’d never done it before, so it would be a new challenge to me. On to...
    Jul 24, 2012 9 Comments

  • Sweet Circus Success

    I just wanted to share with you all my glorious moment of success! Loyal readers, you will remember back to this post when I made a sweet dress for my daughter. She never wore the dress after the pho...
    Jul 19, 2012 3 Comments

  • Iron Craft Challenge #14 – Denim Armrest Project Bag

    This time around on Iron Craft, we asked everyone to make projects using denim. For me, it was a good excuse to go through all the old pairs of jeans crowding my drawers. Most will go to charity, but ...
    Jul 17, 2012 53 Comments

  • Advent Calendar Project – Week 3

    (Every week until December 1st we will be making a small Christmas ornament that can be used in our Pocket Advent Calendar. Join us in making all 24 or just pick and choose your favorites.) This week&...
    Jul 06, 2012 1 Comment

  • Bag of the Month – Pyramid Bag

    I saw a door-stop that was in the shape of a pyramid over Christmas (in England) and I have had that shape in my mind ever since. With that inspiration (and sewing challenge) I added a zipper, and ma...
    Jun 27, 2012 3 Comments

  • Knit Stripes Pillow Pattern and a Giveaway

    Update: The contest part of this post is over but please enjoy the free knitting pattern. A lot of people think of knitting as only a cold weather activity, they think of wool sweaters, mitten and hat...
    Jun 26, 2012 29 Comments

  • Iron Craft Challenge #12 – Photo Pillow

    After seeing some cool ones around the web, I’ve been wanting to try making a pillow using one of my photographs for awhile. So this week’s Iron Craft photography challenge seemed like the...
    Jun 19, 2012 6 Comments

  • The Advent Calendar Project

    Every good crafter knows it’s never too early to start working on things for the holidays. To that end, we are going to launch The Advent Calendar Project. It starts today, and runs through the ...
    Jun 15, 2012 6 Comments

  • Project: T-Shirt Make Over

    As the weather changed, I took stock of my wardrobe, and felt like my t-shirts were a little tired. I have loved some of them near to DEATH. So I set about to make some of my favorites over again. On...
    Jun 13, 2012 4 Comments

  • Drum Stick Case

    My Little Lamb Chop was given a drum set. I’ll let you ponder that for a moment. My husband bought a full drum set – in child’s size – for our budding musician/percussionist....
    Jun 11, 2012 2 Comments