• Starting Jan. 2nd

  • Antiqued Silver Eggs

  • Iron Craft Challenge #38 – Black and White

    It’s been awhile since we’ve had a color challenge, so for this week’s theme we are going for the classic Black and White combination. I think it makes embroidery look clean and cri...
    Sep 15, 2011 1 Comment

  • Iron Craft Challenge #37 Round Up

    This week the theme in Iron Craft was Shrink to Fit and we were challenged to make something smaller. Let’s see how everyone tackled this small sized challenge. ( Click on any photo to see i...
    Sep 14, 2011 No Comments

  • Architecture of a Sleeve: Part 2

    The Architecture of a sleeve: Part one is how to get started when you are stuck. Here is Part 2: How to proceed with the second sleeve. When I was done with my first sleeve, I took a needle and thread...
    Sep 14, 2011 No Comments

  • Quilt of the Day: Super Circles

    Be still my heart. Seriously. Did I make this quilt myself, and I just don’t remember doing it? No, I did not. But I am tempted to stay up all night tonight and give it a try. I L-O-V-E hot pin...
    Sep 13, 2011 No Comments

  • 8,000 Feet Hoodie – Dividing the Sleeve and Body

    Just a quick 8,000 Feet Hoodie update to show you what the sweater looks like once you divide the sleeves and the body. At this point the sleeve stitches are on a stitch holder (a piece of scrap yarn...
    Sep 12, 2011 No Comments

  • PPR Challenge 6 – The Runway Continued

    A few more designers came running out of the workroom needles in hand to make it to the runway this week…. (click on any picture to see it bigger and to read more) If you are not reading this pos...
    Sep 11, 2011 No Comments

  • Iron Craft Challenge #36 Round Up 2

    Here are a few more projects that came in after the first round up. (Click on any photo to see it bigger and to read more.) If you are not reading this post in a feed reader or at http://justcraf...
    Sep 11, 2011 No Comments

  • Models of the Runway

    I was in New York the days leading up to Fashion Week. Picture from Stylehive. I always love the ‘scene’ in New York. I live in a wonderful, cosmopolitan, huge city of ‘my own’...
    Sep 10, 2011 2 Comments

  • Project Project Runway – Challenge #7

    Challenge – “Can’t We All Just Get Along?” The contestants were plugged in for this challenge. They were tasked with creating a whole line, complete with fabric patterns, as we...
    Sep 09, 2011 1 Comment

  • PPR Challenge 6 – The Runway

    This week the designers were paired with a young artist to collaborate on a work of art. That art work will be the inspiration for an avant garde design. Let’s see what our designers sent down...
    Sep 08, 2011 No Comments