Quilting category

  • #275 – Quilted!

    Finished quilting my sister’s quilt this weekend, yeah! All this is left is the binding. Handmade 365 2010- My goal is to spend time everyday working on something handmade for a year & phot...
    Oct 02, 2010 1 Comment

  • #273 – Final Row

    I finally finished piecing together the quilt top for my sister’s quilt (Project Project Runway has been taking up a lot of my sewing time). Tonight I’ll snip strings & tomorrow there...
    Sep 30, 2010 1 Comment

  • #265 – Kindle Sleeve

    I treated myself to one of the new Kindles this weekend. I wanted a sleeve for it to keep it from getting scratched in my purse of computer bag so, I decided to make one. I had some red vinyl in my st...
    Sep 22, 2010 1 Comment

  • #231 – Three Rows to Go

    Worked through the two rows with the large squares in them & now just three rows to go & this quilt top is done! Handmade 365 2010- My goal is to spend time everyday working on something han...
    Aug 20, 2010 1 Comment

  • The first quilt is done!

    The quilt is done. Astounding. I did not want to take on a new sport, and put it down in the ‘stash’ pile. Mission Accomplished. I would change a few things. I will do a few things differentl...
    Aug 14, 2010 No Comments

  • quilting progress

    There has been quilting progress. The top was finished. I made a ‘quilt sandwich’, as per the directions. I pinned. I quilted. The inspiration for the flower pattern came from these. ...
    Aug 06, 2010 No Comments

  • #215 – Girlie Quilt Finished

    A busy day with needle & thread. I finished my Project Project Runway Challenge, sewed two more rows of my sister’s quilt & finished this one. Handmade 365 2010- My goal is to spend ti...
    Aug 03, 2010 No Comments

  • #210 – Still Binding

    Yes, I’m still doing the hand sewing on the binding of the girlee quilt. Just the smallest bit left to go though. Seemed right to be sewing while watching Project Runway. Handmade 365 2010- My g...
    Jul 29, 2010 No Comments

  • #209 – Back to Quilting

    I haven’t been quilting in awhile because a few other projects snuck their way into my queue. Then my friend Susi over at Craftroom started her first quilt which inspired me to get back to the ...
    Jul 28, 2010 No Comments

  • progress post – a quilt is born

    Inspired by the Chirp Chirp quilt, I set out to make something that was a little bit more contemporary. And I stridently avoided the math and worrisome perfection of sewing multiple identical squares...
    Jul 23, 2010 No Comments