Needlecraft category

  • PPR Challenge 1 – Kat’s Design

    Challenge 1: – Come As You Are Challenge:Use either the clothes your model is currently wearing OR a 10″ x 10″ square of fabric similar to your own pajamas. On top of that, you can use a han...
    Aug 04, 2011 10 Comments

  • Quilt of the Day

    Kathy and I love sending each other links to beautiful quilts that capture our attention and inspire us. We dream of making them all ourselves someday. We hope they inspire you too. Here is a beautifu...
    Aug 02, 2011 2 Comments

  • Quilt of the Day

    Kathy and I love sending each other links to beautiful quilts that capture our attention and inspire us. We dream of making them all ourselves someday. We hope they inspire you too. This quilt does so...
    Jul 26, 2011 2 Comments

  • How to embroider French Knot Sheep

    This weekend I finished embroidering the Lullaby Pillowcase I’d been working on for a couple of weeks. I’m so enamored by the cute little French Knot Sheep that I thought I’d share h...
    Jul 26, 2011 10 Comments

  • Lullaby Pillowcase Finished

    Whew, I actually finished the Lullaby Pillowcase one week before the deadline for QR-3D. I really pleased with out it turned out. The QR code was outlined with a simple backstitch and then filled in...
    Jul 25, 2011 14 Comments

  • A next quilt

    This summer I bought some fabric for a new quilt. I love the colors. Rich dark teals, light aquas and corals. I bought a pattern at the shop, but when I got it home, I did not like it as much as I t...
    Jul 25, 2011 3 Comments

  • Quilt of the Day: Local Ginko

    Kathy and I love sending each other links to beautiful quilts that capture our attention and inspire us. We dream of making them all ourselves someday. We hope they inspire you too. Look at this neat ...
    Jul 22, 2011 4 Comments

  • Good Bye Harry Potter

    Thursday night, I saw the last of the Harry Potter movies. I have to admit I got a little teary. Who would have thought a series of movies could keep us so interested for 11 years? It was hard to see ...
    Jul 16, 2011 3 Comments

  • Sleep Aid

    I spent the day working on embellishing the rest of the trim on the Lullaby Pillowcase. I fell in love with these little French knot sheep after seeing them on Incy Wincy Stitches. Seriously, aren...
    Jul 15, 2011 3 Comments

  • Signe Mitten Progress

    Yesterday, I mentioned I was hoping to get the Signe Mittens done before the yarn for the 8,000 Feet Hoodie shows up. Well, I’m really moving on those mittens now. It took me a little bit to get...
    Jul 12, 2011 3 Comments