Needlecraft category

  • Quilt of the Day: Super Circles

    Be still my heart. Seriously. Did I make this quilt myself, and I just don’t remember doing it? No, I did not. But I am tempted to stay up all night tonight and give it a try. I L-O-V-E hot pin...
    Sep 13, 2011 No Comments

  • 8,000 Feet Hoodie – Dividing the Sleeve and Body

    Just a quick 8,000 Feet Hoodie update to show you what the sweater looks like once you divide the sleeves and the body. At this point the sleeve stitches are on a stitch holder (a piece of scrap yarn...
    Sep 12, 2011 No Comments

  • Quilt of the Day: Lightning zigzag quilt

      Jenn Grigoryev posted a wonderful quilt called Lightning Zigzag. It grabbed my attention. it is mostly white, but the color that is there is striking and well done. Its bright and bold and very...
    Sep 06, 2011 2 Comments

  • 8,000 Feet Hoodie – Raglan Shaping and Getting the Perfect Fit

    I have been busily knitting away on the raglan shaping on my 8,000 Feet Hoodie. Raglan shaping really is just making increases on either side of your markers to grow the front, sleeves, and back of th...
    Sep 05, 2011 No Comments

  • I’ve Been Chosen!

    I’m so excited to tell you all that my Lullaby Pillowcase has been selected to be in the QR-3D Exhibit at Cornerstone in Manchester, UK as part of the Manchester Science Festival. It’s the...
    Aug 30, 2011 9 Comments

  • Quilt of the Day: Paint Chip Quilt

    Today’s quilt is called Paint Chip Quilt by Kim. Sunning. What a beautiful, simple quilt. The ‘funny’ thing about this one is that I find myself so drawn to be big bold prints in th...
    Aug 30, 2011 3 Comments

  • MN State Fair Crafty Goodness

    This weekend I headed to the Minnesota State Fair. One of my favorite stops is the Creative Activities building where all the crafts and a bulk of the food are on display. These two multiple-ribbon wi...
    Aug 29, 2011 2 Comments

  • Iron Craft Challenge #34 – On the Go Project Folder

    I almost didn’t get a project done for this week’s Iron Craft which would have been really disappointing because I haven’t missed one yet this year. This week’s challenge was a...
    Aug 24, 2011 4 Comments

  • 8,000 Feet Hoodie – Getting Started

    It’s always fun to knit with other people, so we are hosting a knitting social. This time around we’re making the 8,000 Feet Hoodie from Interweave Knits Weekend. Last week, I talked about...
    Aug 23, 2011 5 Comments

  • Quilt of the Day: Weaving The Strands

    Kathy and I love to share links to quilts that capture our attention and inspire us. We wish we could make them all. The quilt of the day today is Weaving the Strands by Kirie at Shape Moth. How grea...
    Aug 23, 2011 2 Comments