Needlecraft category

  • Three Button Sweater Progress

    I am knitting a sweater for my daughter. It will be a replacement for her favorite sweater right now. I feel like I am in a race against time, so see if I can finish it before she is too big to wear ...
    Mar 06, 2014 2 Comments

  • Project: March Newgrange Mittens

    I’m feeling pretty proud that I am on track to meet my goal of designing and knitting a pair of mittens every month this year. Today, I present to you the March Newgrange Mittens. I wanted to ...
    Mar 04, 2014 21 Comments

  • Projects for National Pig Day

    I have a soft spot for pigs. (And quite a collection of them around my house.) This Saturday, Match 1st, is National Pig Day, so why not craft up a pig or two… Stitch up a pig apron with this pi...
    Feb 28, 2014 1 Comment

  • Sewing Lessons: Duvet Cover

    Someone got a “big girl bed” (= twin bed) and I made the twin duvet cover! The actual process is super easy: sew three sides of two sheets together, then stuff the actual duvet up into th...
    Feb 27, 2014 3 Comments

  • Book Review: Modern Minimal, 20 Bold and Graphic Quilts

    I don’t buy new craft books very often any more. Ever since Pinterest has come along and taken hold, I get my fix of “new and inspiring” from there. If I am looking for a knitting pa...
    Feb 20, 2014 1 Comment

  • Quilting: a Disparity

    When I look at fabrics, I am drawn to the BOLD. Anna Maria Horner Flourish Kaffe Fasset Lake blossoms, Red Oh my word, the pinks dance there. That is a BIG look. But I do love it. These are the kind...
    Feb 13, 2014 3 Comments

  • Iron Craft ’14 Challenge #3 – Knit Matryoshka Doll

    For the current Iron Craft challenge, we were directed to create something inspired by the Olympics, but not necessarily Olympic themed. I took my inspiration from the host country Russia and knit up ...
    Feb 11, 2014 6 Comments

  • Olympic Knits

    I was out of town this weekend, but finally got to watch the Opening Ceremonies last night. I love seeing all the teams come in and checking out their outfits. With the Winter Olympics, it is a sea of...
    Feb 10, 2014 6 Comments

  • What We’re Pinning

    It’s been awhile since I shared what Susi and I have been pinning, so let’s take a look… I love this Nelson Ball Clock from Design Within Reach, but at $375 I’m wondering if I...
    Feb 07, 2014 2 Comments

  • Project: February Mittens

    I’ve set a goal to design and knit a pair of mittens every month in 2014. For February’s mittens, I want to make something a little lacy and romantic, BUT they still had to be warm. The an...
    Feb 06, 2014 16 Comments