Needlecraft category

  • Kat’s Mittens Kits on Craftsy

    A little bit of shameless self promotion today…I’m sure most of you are familiar with the site Craftsy where you can share projects, take classes and buy craft supplies. Well, now you can ...
    Apr 23, 2015 2 Comments

  • Introducing Knit Club!

    I launched a Knit Club at school. Holy Smokes! I tried offering knitting as an elective, but alas, Stitch Lab was so popular that the time slot could not be unseated for knitting. (Believe me, that i...
    Apr 21, 2015 4 Comments

  • Project: Dalek Mittens

    Ok, I am addicted to Doctor Who, so when the last Iron Craft challenge directed us to make something starting with the letter “D” I decided to design Dalek mittens. You can see the daleks...
    Apr 16, 2015 5 Comments

  • Iron Craft ’15 Challenge #7 – Dalek Mittens

    For this challenge, we were to craft around the letter “D.” I went through lists of things starting with “D” in my head trying to come up with an idea. I was a little stumped a...
    Apr 14, 2015 5 Comments

  • Project: Felted Sweater Pillow

    I am on a mission to make pillows. I hit a couple of road blocks, but now I am just moving forward. For this one, I used an old felted sweater. I found this at a thrift store and just loved it. I mad...
    Apr 09, 2015 No Comments

  • Project: Lights on Broadway Mittens

    One of my biggest crafting supporters is Russ from NY Star Cards. He has been part of Iron Craft from the beginning and always cheers everyone along. He has been a fan of my mittens designs and I deci...
    Apr 07, 2015 11 Comments

  • State Fair Mittens ’15 – Planning

    The Minnesota State Fair is only four and a half months away, time for me to start designing my mittens for this year’s entry. As some of you may know, in 2012 I took second place, but have not ...
    Apr 02, 2015 5 Comments

  • Iron Craft ’15 Challenge #6 – Cashmere Slipper Socks

    For this Iron Craft challenge, we were told to take a lesson from Donna and Tom on Parks and Rec and “treat yo self.” This was the challenge to make something special just for me. I was go...
    Mar 31, 2015 7 Comments

  • Finish or Frog It: Three Button Sweater

    (Finish or Frog It is a series we are doing this year to address “stash” and “completion” issues in our homes. We invite you to join us. ) Here we are. I am tested just by look...
    Mar 30, 2015 3 Comments

  • Faribault Woolen Mills and Planning for a New Bag

    A week ago the weather was beautiful, so my husband and I decided to take a drive. We ended up at a place I’ve been wanting to visit for awhile, the Faribault Woolen Mills. Faribault Mills have...
    Mar 24, 2015 No Comments