Knitting category

  • Handmade Holiday – Holiday Decor Project Index

    Over the last two years we’ve shared quite a few tutorials and patterns for holiday decorations. With the season upon us, we thought we’d compile links to all of them in one place for you....
    Nov 05, 2012 No Comments

  • Advent Calendar Project – Week 20

    (Every week until December 1st we will be making a small Christmas ornament that can be used in our Pocket Advent Calendar. Join us in making all 24 or just pick and choose your favorites.) We’v...
    Nov 02, 2012 31 Comments

  • 8 weeks to a Sweater: Week 5

    As we travel this road to a sweater – that we all have vowed to finish- before the holidays – we have reached week 5. From the sound of it, the shoulders and shaping threw many of us into ...
    Oct 29, 2012 No Comments

  • Road to a Sweater: week 4

    We last checked in with you, we were working on the ches, and getting to the division for the arms. This week the assignment is to get through the armpit, and work down to the waist shaping. It is als...
    Oct 22, 2012 8 Comments

  • Little Black Owl Revisited

    Let’s revisit another of our favorite Halloween projects. This time it’s the knitting pattern for the Little Black Owl. This little guy is a cinch to knit up in the round with added fel...
    Oct 19, 2012 2 Comments

  • The Land of Lopi

    This year Matt and I decided to vacation in Denmark. Since we were flying IcelandAir, a few day layover in Iceland was added to the plan, I was super excited, because Iceland is all about wool! I knew...
    Oct 15, 2012 3 Comments

  • Road to a Sweater: Week 3

    Week 3 Each sweater we make is completely different. Our commonality only lies in the top-down construction. We are working through the top section, shoulders and increases. Once you have the shoulder...
    Oct 15, 2012 5 Comments

  • Advent Calendar Project – Week 17

    (Every week until December 1st we will be making a small Christmas ornament that can be used in our Pocket Advent Calendar. Join us in making all 24 or just pick and choose your favorites.) For this w...
    Oct 12, 2012 1 Comment

  • 8 Weeks to a Sweater: Week 2

    Last week we talked about gauge, and measuring. We figured out our size, and we cast on and got started. And from there on, each of our sweaters and our skill set are going to take a different path. L...
    Oct 08, 2012 No Comments

  • Men’s Go Team Mittens

    A lot of people were saying they wanted to make the Go Team mittens for a husband or father. Since I was knitting a pair for my husband, I thought I’d share the larger men’s pattern. Also ...
    Oct 03, 2012 10 Comments