Knitting category

  • Project: Dar’s Mad Cat Handwarmers

    My friend Daria recently celebrated a birthday and asked me to make her some new handwarmers with a “crazy cat” on them as a gift. I think my cat came out a little more mad than crazy, but...
    Jan 24, 2013 14 Comments

  • Searching for that perfect tool

    Don’t you hate it when you search and search for that particular craft tool and just can’t find it. I’ve been looking for a knitting needle gauge that would measure needles smaller t...
    Jan 14, 2013 No Comments

  • Project: Elle’s Corgi Mittens

    It’s National Knit Mitten Month, so let’s celebrate with a new mitten pattern… After I made my flying pig mittens, my friend Elle of Elle’s New England Kitchen and I were discu...
    Jan 09, 2013 11 Comments

  • Sweater Update

    I fully expected to be wearing my “8 Week” sweater by this point in time, but I’ve got to tell you guys, I’m stuck. The problem is the collar. The pattern had me cast on the ne...
    Jan 08, 2013 5 Comments

  • Crafting Your Heart Out

    Christmas is over, the New Year’s confetti has been thrown and now the stores are all full of red and pink hearts. Well, if you can’t beat ’em you might as well join ’em. Here&...
    Jan 04, 2013 1 Comment

  • Project: Circle Scarf

    My beloved Vicki is always cold. So I wanted to make her something that was fab-you-lous, and warm at the same time. This is a big knit using size 17 needles and a delicious strand of sequin mixed in...
    Jan 03, 2013 49 Comments

  • Santa Minion

    I love seeing how people adapt my patterns. Sometimes the adaptations are so fun I just have to share. That was the case with CloudPhoenix‘s Happy Minion-mas She took my basic minion pattern an...
    Dec 20, 2012 6 Comments

  • Sweater Update

    Ok, amid all the holiday madness it’s time for a sweater update. Here’s Kat’s update… I finished all the knitting! I eneded up adding almost four inches to the length of the bo...
    Dec 17, 2012 No Comments

  • Sweater Updates

    Kathy has been working on her sweater. Here is her report. The sleeves were all done, but I wanted to lengthen the body. Ripping back all those stitches, including cables and twisted stitches, was not...
    Dec 10, 2012 5 Comments

  • Advent Calendar Project Wrap-up

    I can’t believe I managed to stick with making a Christmas ornament ever week since July! Ok, I had a little help from our friend Dr. Russ who provided us with some great paper ornaments three o...
    Dec 07, 2012 No Comments