Knitting category

  • Project: Striped Linen Stitch Cowl

    I am kind of addicted to the linen stitch done in different colors right now. The stitch itself makes a beautiful flat fabric that looks like it has been woven. When worked in different colors every r...
    Feb 24, 2015 12 Comments

  • Fingerless Mitts

    Sometimes you are chugging away when life comes in and takes you in a direction that you were not expecting. That is where we went over the last 3 weeks. I am just starting to see the light at the e...
    Feb 12, 2015 1 Comment

  • Project: Bulky Arm Knit Cowl

    As a knitter/crafter do you sometimes get calls from friends and relatives that go like this? “Hello.” “Hi, can you make me…..?” I certainly do. The latest was from my si...
    Feb 10, 2015 No Comments

  • Iron Craft ’15 Challenge #2 – Make a Circuit with Me Mittens (almost)

    This Iron Craft challenge was to make something for someone we love. I had come up with an idea, but then found out my mom was having open heart surgery in the middle of the challenge period. I knew t...
    Feb 03, 2015 8 Comments

  • Project: Austria Mittens

    I finished my Austria Mittens just in time for the end of NaKniMitMo2015!I call these my Austria Mittens, because I bought the beautiful hand painted yarn (Wollgarnspinnerei Ferner Lace handgefärbt) ...
    Jan 28, 2015 13 Comments

  • 24 Bags and Organizers to Make

    Seems like this time of year everyone is talking about getting their lived organized, so it seemed like a good time to look back at all the tutorials we have for bags and organizers. 1. Vinyl-Coated ...
    Jan 12, 2015 No Comments

  • NaKniMitMo 2015 Progress

    We are getting off to a bit of a slow start this year at Just Crafty Enough. Susi has been engulfed in sixth birthday madness and me, I’ve been getting over a cold and knitting. So, I thought I&...
    Jan 08, 2015 1 Comment

  • NaKniMitMo 2015

    January is National Knit Mittens Month! The goal is knit (or finish knitting) a pair of mittens or gloves during the month. The I Make Mittens group on Ravelry is hosting the KAL this year and there a...
    Jan 02, 2015 No Comments

  • 2014 My Year of Mittens

    At the beginning of this year I set a goal for myself to design and knit a pair of mittens each month. I’m pretty proud that I managed to pull it off (heck, I even did an extra pair of kid’...
    Dec 23, 2014 7 Comments

  • Project: Mommy and Me Frozen Mittens

    This is it guys, the end of my year of mittens. I’ve designed and knit a pair for every month of this year. Well actually, in December I’m giving you a bit of a Christmas bonus as I’...
    Dec 10, 2014 12 Comments