Knitting category

  • Project: Hjärtan och Blommor Mittens

    How about a new mitten pattern just in time for winter?! These have been in the works for awhile and sort of taken a backseat to the Mitten Garland Advent Calendar, but I finally have them done and re...
    Nov 18, 2015 3 Comments

  • Mitten Garland Advent Calendar – Mitten 23

    Welcome to Monday. Here is your Advent Calendar Mitten 23 Chart. I almost forgot to do a mitten with reindeer on it! Luckily, when I wasn’t happy with my original design for #23, my husband re...
    Nov 16, 2015 6 Comments

  • Mitten Garland Advent Calendar – Mitten 21

    Happy Monday! Who’s ready for a new mitten chart?! Here is your Advent Calendar Mitten 21 Chart I was afraid this one was a little dull when I was designing it, but I actually really like it kn...
    Nov 02, 2015 2 Comments

  • Mitten Garland Advent Calendar – Mitten 20

    Happy Monday! Here is your Advent Calendar Mitten 20 Chart. (This chart was updated at 5pm CST on 10/26/15 to fix a mistake in the stripes on the thumb.) For this mitten, I designed an eight-pointed ...
    Oct 26, 2015 2 Comments

  • Mitten Garland Advent Calendar – Mitten 19

    A glorious fall Monday to you all! Here is this week’s mitten, Advent Calendar Mitten 19 Chart This is a great one for those of you who don’t like long floats. I found this one a really f...
    Oct 19, 2015 9 Comments

  • Mitten Garland Advent Calendar – Mitten 18

    Happy Monday knitters! Here is your mitten #18. Download the Advent Calendar Mitten 18 Chart In real life you can see the grey snowflakes much better than they show up in the picture. This is another...
    Oct 12, 2015 3 Comments

  • Advent Calendar Project ’15 – Week 17

    Every Friday for the twenty-four weeks leading up to December 1st, we will be making a handmade Christmas ornament. Follow along and make them all or pick and chose your favorites. I’ll admit it...
    Oct 09, 2015 No Comments

  • 19 Halloween Decor and Party Projects

    It’s time to get spooky! Row 1: Creepy House Luminaries Row 2: Mad Scientist Body Part Jars, Zombie Siamese Twin Dolls, Doll Faced Candles and Other Creepy Glassware Row 3: Snake Candleholders,...
    Oct 07, 2015 1 Comment

  • Mitten Garland Advent Calendar – Mitten 17

    Happy Monday, I’m really looking forward to sharing this week’s mitten with you all. Advent Calendar Mitten 17 Chart I knew I wanted to do a Christmas tree at some point and I really like...
    Oct 05, 2015 4 Comments

  • Mitten Garland Advent Calendar – Mitten #16

    Happy Monday and happy mitten #16! It is a happy little mitten isn’t it? And #16 means we are two-thirds through our calendar! Download the Advent Calendar Mitten 16 Chart I messed around a lit...
    Sep 28, 2015 9 Comments