Crafts category

  • Project: Paper Flower Wreath

    A week or so ago, I was walking by Paper Source and was blown away by this wreath in the window. I kept thinking about it and decided to make my own version in colors to compliment my house in a slig...
    May 14, 2014 8 Comments

  • Making my own spring

    It has been a long crawl to spring here in Minnesota. I think the snow piles are mostly gone at this point, but the greening is taking a little while. I’m taking things into my own hands and mak...
    May 13, 2014 4 Comments

  • Viking Knitting Tools

    Because Im always interesting in learning something new… I mentioned a few weeks ago I wanted to try my hand at Viking knitting, a way of weaving wire for jewelry. I couldn’t find the too...
    May 12, 2014 5 Comments

  • Graph a Picture

    Here is a cool web site! Patchwork pattern maker It is a place where you can graph a pattern. It is specifically for quilting, but I think you could do any kind of mosaic with it. I tried a few pict...
    May 09, 2014 No Comments

  • Shrinky Dinks

    (In an effort to craft with my 5 year old daughter and turn off the TV, we do a lot of projects. We are running a series of posts about the kits that we did in our house. I’ll tell you all about...
    May 05, 2014 2 Comments

  • Hexagon Artwork In Progress

    Last week I mentioned that I want to create some artwork for my house based on the Tu pieces at Room & Board. Over the weekend I picked up the colors of felt I needed and started cutting hexagons...
    May 01, 2014 3 Comments

  • Projects in the Works

    The problem with running a craft blog is if you are doing bigger projects without any small projects in between, you don’t always have much to share. It just reminds me I need to show you guys m...
    Apr 24, 2014 6 Comments

  • Passing It On

    My eight-year old nephew has been asking and asking me to teach him to knit. Since he was visiting for Easter, I picked up some needles and yarn incase he asked again. Well, wouldn’t you know, &...
    Apr 21, 2014 6 Comments

  • Project: Bell Jar Base

    Awhile back I bought myself a bell jar (or cloche) to use for displaying things around the house. It was a steal at Michael’s. Thing was I never using it because I wasn’t happy with how it...
    Apr 16, 2014 2 Comments

  • Project: Footed Bowl

    I have been looking for the appropriate vessel to display some eggs on my mantle for Easter and just haven’t found anything I liked. I didn’t want just a bowl or a plate. All the baskets I...
    Apr 10, 2014 4 Comments