Project Project Runway category

  • PPR Challenge 12 – Kat’s Design

    Ok, this week was the avant garde challenge. (There was also a second challenge on the show to remake a losing look, but I am just doing the avant garde one). Not only did our look have to be innovati...
    Oct 10, 2013 No Comments

  • Project Project Runway Challenge 12 – Butterfly Effect

    Welcome to season 12 of Project Runway and a new season of Project Project Runway! If you want to join in the fun this season get all the details here. Let’s jump right in… Challenge ̵...
    Oct 04, 2013 1 Comment

  • Project Project Runway #11 – House of Cornish

    Time for the textile challenge. I drew my inspiration loosely from Patricia Michaels. I thought about the feathers, and decided that I could “manufacture” that in my “home studio...
    Oct 03, 2013 2 Comments

  • PPR Challenge #11 – Kat’s Design

    This week was the create your own textile design challenge. The designers were each paired with a “next generation innovator” who was to inspire their textile. For Project Project Runway, ...
    Oct 03, 2013 2 Comments

  • How to Be Successful on Project Runway

    I have watched every season of Project Runway. I have participated from home for 5 seasons. I have participated in person for one episode. Here is what I can tell you. How to be successful on Project ...
    Oct 02, 2013 20 Comments

  • Project Project Runway Challenge #11 – Next Generation

    Welcome to season 12 of Project Runway and a new season of Project Project Runway! If you want to join in the fun this season get all the details here. Let’s jump right in… Challenge ̵...
    Sep 27, 2013 1 Comment

  • Project Project Runway Challenge #10 Runway

    This week it was the Super Fan challenge on Project Runway, the designs had to create a look for eight “real woman” fans. We felt lucky that Project Project Runway co-host and designer, Su...
    Sep 26, 2013 No Comments

  • Project Runway: The Judging

    (This is a series. You can read all about my application to the show in this post, working with Ken in this post, the first day of filming in this post, Make Over Day and Walking on the Runway here...
    Sep 26, 2013 30 Comments

  • Project Project Runway #10 – House Of Cornish

    It has been a crazy week for me – Superfan Susi. I have to say Thank You to ALL of you. It has been fun sharing this experience with you. And this is, after all, where this whole thing started. ...
    Sep 26, 2013 10 Comments

  • PPR #10 – Kat’s Design

    This week it was the “real woman” challenge on Project Runway and this season’s real women were Project Runway super fans including Project Project Runway’s own Susi. Unfortuna...
    Sep 26, 2013 8 Comments