Challenges category

  • Iron Craft Challenge #1 Round-Up

    It’s so wonderful to be starting a new year of Iron Craft and see all the Iron Crafters new and old jumping into the challenge. For this first challenge we asked everyone to create something usi...
    Jan 17, 2012 3 Comments

  • Iron Craft Challenge #1 – Paper Cut Map

    Our first challenge for the second year of Iron Craft was to make something with paper. I channeled my inner Dr. Russ and did a paper cut map of the city of Amsterdam. We recently had the bathrooms r...
    Jan 17, 2012 23 Comments

  • Project Project Runway Challenge #2 – A Night at the Opera

    Challenge – A Night at the Opera This week is all about high-end glamour. It’s time to show us a show-stopping ball gown for a high-society event. The look needs to be classic, elegant, but st...
    Jan 13, 2012 1 Comment

  • Project Project Runway Challenge #1 Runway.

    Challenge – Fashion Cents – Create a look using items for the dollar store. Oh, how we love the unconventional challenge here at Project Project Runway. It really brings out the creative j...
    Jan 12, 2012 No Comments

  • PPR AS Challenge #1 House of Cornish

    I am so proud to be invited to compete in the All Star Challenge! (eyes fluttering) Our first challenge sent us straight to the world of unconventional materials at a local .99 cent store.  I found a...
    Jan 12, 2012 3 Comments

  • PPR Challenge #1 – Kat’s Design

    Challenge – Fashion Cents Challenge – Create a look using items from the 99 Cent Store. There was a bit of struggle in the workroom this week, but in the end I was really happy with how my...
    Jan 12, 2012 5 Comments

  • Great Designers Think Alike*

    This morning as I was mall walking at the Mall of America (don’t tease, it’s more fun than walking on a treadmill), I was stopped by a dress in the window of the Michael Kors store. Wow, d...
    Jan 11, 2012 7 Comments

  • Susi in the Workroom

    I have been out of the country for SO long now, that I dove into the challenge with two feet, happy to be back to our projects and your company! The first order of business was to watch the episode. I...
    Jan 11, 2012 No Comments

  • PPR Challenge #1 – Kat’s Workroom

    Oh, it’s fun to be back in the workroom and it’s even better when first challenge is the unconventional materials challenge. This time we were headed to the 99 Cent Store to get our materi...
    Jan 09, 2012 3 Comments

  • Project Project Runway Challenge 1 – Fashion Cents

    Here we are back for another season of Project Runway and Project Project Runway. I have to say I’m really looking forward to this season, they brought back some really talent people. (Ok, I que...
    Jan 06, 2012 7 Comments