All posts from Kat

  • Project: April Showers Mittens

    Finally, the April mittens are done! (I got a little sidetracked by the Hello Sailor Handwarmers). Of course, for April I went with an April showers theme. This mitten is knit in a heathered blue tha... Apr 17, 2014 - 8 Comments

  • Project: Bell Jar Base

    Awhile back I bought myself a bell jar (or cloche) to use for displaying things around the house. It was a steal at Michael’s. Thing was I never using it because I wasn’t happy with how it... Apr 16, 2014 - 2 Comments

  • JCE Summit

    I’m in California visiting Susi right now. There is lots of talk of knitting patterns, sewing Evil Queen costumes for a grade school principal (for a play, not because she is evil) and laughing... Apr 14, 2014 - 5 Comments

  • Easter at Kat’s House

    Yesterday, I was asked to show all my Easter decorations up and around my house. I am hosting some of my family for Easter this year, but I have kept the decorations pretty low-key (especially compare... Apr 11, 2014 - 4 Comments

  • Project: Footed Bowl

    I have been looking for the appropriate vessel to display some eggs on my mantle for Easter and just haven’t found anything I liked. I didn’t want just a bowl or a plate. All the baskets I... Apr 10, 2014 - 4 Comments

  • Iron Craft ’14 Challenge #7 Round Up

    This time around we asked the crafters to come up with projects inspired by one of four big spring trends, nautical, floral, radiant orchid and geometric. We are certainly a trendy group! The L-T E... Apr 09, 2014 - No Comments

  • Iron Craft ’14 Challenge #8 – Spring has Sprung

    Hopefully, spring has sprung for everyone. Here in Minnesota, we are starting to see buds on trees and the ice houses are off the lakes. (That’s not to say some kids won’t be still hunting... Apr 09, 2014 - No Comments

  • Iron Craft ’14 Challenge 7 – Hello Sailor Handwarmers

    For this Iron Craft Challenge, we were asked to create something based on one of four big Spring crafting trends, floral, nautical, geometric and radiant orchid. I decided to go with the nautical tren... Apr 08, 2014 - 9 Comments

  • Project 365: March

    I made it through another month of my 365 photography project! This month we visited the American Swedish Institute, Matt surprised me with a weekend getaway at a posh cabin, my friends cat became an... Apr 04, 2014 - 1 Comment

  • Project: Cherry Tree Under Glass

    On Tuesday, I showed you how to make Paper Cherry Trees. Today, I’ll show you what I did with one of mine. I turned it into a Cherry Tree under glass. Kind of a snow globe without snow or a te... Apr 03, 2014 - No Comments