All posts from Kat

  • A few shots from Amsterdam

    This has been a wonderful week in Amsterdam. The days have been warm and sunny, a rare treat here. Here are a few snapshots from our adventures. A pig made of denim at the Amsterdam Fashion Institut... May 28, 2014 - 1 Comment

  • JCE Reader Projects

    I love it when someone makes something from one of our patterns and tutorials, so today I thought I’d show you a few. Geri whipped up this fantastic version of the Newgrange Mittens. I love how... May 23, 2014 - No Comments

  • Iron Craft ’14 Challenge #11 – A dollar, a euro, a pound….

    I have to say this is one of my favorite Iron Craft challenges, which is why you are seeing it again this year, it is the Dollar Store challenge. Create something using mainly supplies from the dollar... May 21, 2014 - No Comments

  • Iron Craft ’14 Challenge 10 – Knit Beach Finds

    For this Iron Craft challenge we were to be inspired by the letter “B”. My first thought was to go with beads, but they just wasn’t inspiring me. Then I thought of the beach and an i... May 20, 2014 - 5 Comments

  • Traveling Time

    We are taking a little time off for some traveling. Kat is off to the Netherlands and Susi is enjoying Disneyland. Things might be a little quieter than normal, but we’ll be back full force in... May 16, 2014 - 1 Comment

  • Project: Paper Flower Wreath

    A week or so ago, I was walking by Paper Source and was blown away by this wreath in the window. I kept thinking about it and decided to make my own version in colors to compliment my house in a slig... May 14, 2014 - 8 Comments

  • Making my own spring

    It has been a long crawl to spring here in Minnesota. I think the snow piles are mostly gone at this point, but the greening is taking a little while. I’m taking things into my own hands and mak... May 13, 2014 - 4 Comments

  • Viking Knitting Tools

    Because Im always interesting in learning something new… I mentioned a few weeks ago I wanted to try my hand at Viking knitting, a way of weaving wire for jewelry. I couldn’t find the too... May 12, 2014 - 5 Comments

  • Project: May Flowers Mittens

    Another month and another pair of mittens designed and knit! Last month, I did the April Showers Mittens which of course led to this month’s May Flower Mittens. I’ve had the idea for thes... May 08, 2014 - 8 Comments

  • Iron Craft ’14 Challenge #9 Round Up

    For this challenge we asked the crafters to get their inspiration from a piece of art. I really love the directions the Iron Crafters took with this one. NY Star Cards Nerd Craft Librarian Kate... May 07, 2014 - No Comments