All posts from Kat

  • Mitten Garland Advent Calendar – Mitten #16

    Happy Monday and happy mitten #16! It is a happy little mitten isn’t it? And #16 means we are two-thirds through our calendar! Download the Advent Calendar Mitten 16 Chart I messed around a lit... Sep 28, 2015 - 9 Comments

  • Weekend Cocktail: The Blood Moon

    This Sunday evening we’ll have a lunar eclipse which will give us a blood moon. This inspired my husband to create this weekend cocktail for us. The main flavoring and color in this cocktail c... Sep 26, 2015 - No Comments

  • Advent Calendar Project ’15 – Week #15

    Every Friday for the twenty-four weeks leading up to December 1st, we will be making a handmade Christmas ornament. Follow along and make them all or pick and chose your favorites. This week’s o... Sep 25, 2015 - No Comments

  • Mitten Garland Advent Calendar – Mitten #15

    Happy Monday! Here is mitten #15 all dressed up in pinstripes. Download the Advent Calendar Mitten 15 Chart. (As always the written pattern is the same, Mitten Advent Calendar Pattern.) This one is p... Sep 21, 2015 - 10 Comments

  • Advent Calendar Project ’15 – Week 14

    Every Friday for the twenty-four weeks leading up to December 1st, we will be making a handmade Christmas ornament. Follow along and make them all or pick and chose your favorites. This week was are g... Sep 18, 2015 - No Comments

  • Iron Craft ’15 Challenge #18 Round Up

    For this challenge the Iron Crafters were asked to get inspired by wildlife and create a project that either featured an animal, was for an animal or used an animal(-like) material. Some cute projects... Sep 17, 2015 - No Comments

  • Iron Craft ’15 Challenge #19 – Mulligan

    This week we give you a chance to revisit any of the past Iron Craft challenges from this year. Do a challenge you skipped or perhaps there was a challenge you had more than one idea for. We can all u... Sep 16, 2015 - No Comments

  • Iron Craft ’15 Challenge #18 – Faux Fur Pillow

    For this Iron Craft challenge we were asked to make something inspired by animals. The project could be for an animal, have an animal theme or use an animal print material. My first idea was to sew a ... Sep 15, 2015 - 1 Comment

  • Mitten Garland Advent Calendar – Mitten #14

    It’s Monday and I hope you are all ready for our next advent calendar mitten. Download the Advent Calendar Mitten 14 Chart. As you can see, this week’s mitten features a bell hanging from... Sep 14, 2015 - No Comments

  • Advent Calendar Project ’15 – Week 13

    Every Friday for the twenty-four weeks leading up to December 1st, we will be making a handmade Christmas ornament. Follow along and make them all or pick and chose your favorites. I just realized thi... Sep 11, 2015 - 3 Comments