All posts from Kat

  • Project – Little Black Owl

    Here’s a little black owl to haunt your trees for Halloween. Too bad he’s much cuter than scary! This project is a pretty easy one if you can knit in the round on double pointed needles a... Sep 21, 2011 - 79 Comments

  • Iron Craft Challenge #38 – Little Black Owl

    After missing two weeks of Iron Craft challenges because I was on vacation in Alaska it’s great to be back in my craft room. This week’s challenge was to create something black and white. ... Sep 21, 2011 - 5 Comments

  • Iron Craft Challenge #38 – Black and White

    It’s been awhile since we’ve had a color challenge, so for this week’s theme we are going for the classic Black and White combination. I think it makes embroidery look clean and cri... Sep 15, 2011 - 1 Comment

  • 8,000 Feet Hoodie – Dividing the Sleeve and Body

    Just a quick 8,000 Feet Hoodie update to show you what the sweater looks like once you divide the sleeves and the body. At this point the sleeve stitches are on a stitch holder (a piece of scrap yarn... Sep 12, 2011 - No Comments

  • Iron Craft Challenge #37 – Shrink to Fit

    Let’s face it everything is cuter when it’s smaller, toy dogs, mini cupcakes, children. So, this week we are asking you to make something smaller.  Whether that is using shrinky dinks, fe... Sep 08, 2011 - 1 Comment

  • 8,000 Feet Hoodie – Raglan Shaping and Getting the Perfect Fit

    I have been busily knitting away on the raglan shaping on my 8,000 Feet Hoodie. Raglan shaping really is just making increases on either side of your markers to grow the front, sleeves, and back of th... Sep 05, 2011 - No Comments

  • Project Project Runway – Challenge #6

    Challenge – The Art of the Matter Collaborate on a work of art with a student. That artwork will be an inspiration for an avant garde design. The garment should be inspired by the artwork, but ... Sep 02, 2011 - 2 Comments

  • PPR Challenge #5 – Kat’s Design

    Challenge: Off the Track Challenge: Create a look to go with Heidi’s New Balance Sneakers. Think fashion, don’t think just gym. It could be a dress or a suit. Think classic with a twist. You have ... Sep 01, 2011 - 4 Comments

  • Iron Craft Challenge #36 – Creative Activities

    It’s State Fair time here in Minnesota and that’s all you hear about here, so why not make it our theme this week. I’ve always wanted to enter something in the fair’s creative ... Sep 01, 2011 - 6 Comments

  • Iron Craft Challenge #35 – Jane Austen Rings

    This week for Iron Craft Susi challenged us to make something from books. I knew I wanted to do something with words or quotes, but had no idea what. My first thought was to scan a favorite passage fr... Aug 31, 2011 - 6 Comments